Thursday, 13 May 2021

Australian Artist of May 2021

Creating a 'Sense of Place' 

Robert Juniper established a reputation for landscape, particularly desert, painting that used surface & colour in a vivacious way. His own 'sense of space' goes beyond the landscape into the figurative to make the landscape human. 

                                         'The River Dies in January' 1977
                Robert Juniper's landscapes have a relationship to those of 
         John Olsen (recent news post) & Fred Williams ( next news post )
                                         Robert Juniper VIDEO link

All three painters play with the lateralness of the picture plane
and the illusionistic space that lies behind it
Juniper uses marks and materials scattered across the surface ( see video)
Both abstract and naturalistic forms create a sense of place 

My experiments with inks & oil sticks on Kitakata paper reflect 
colours used in some of Juniper's paintings

Often my paintings becomes the land & sea while I am the sky 
This ink on rice paper is reflecting the warm sunny climate of 
Far North Queensland and is only the beginning of what is to come 

I too am discovering my sense of place