ATASDA's goal is to keep members interested,
involved and inspired!
Noela Mills workshop last weekend certainly suceeded in doing just that
Some of the girls taking it all in at this workshop
What was it all about you may ask
Have you ever wondered what to do with your gorgeous samples
and scraps of fabric - too precious to throw away, but too small to use for
anything else?
How about compiling them into a book format to keep them
safe and to use them for future reference?
Using your workshop samples and special scraps, and all
manner of textile techniques, including patchwork, pojagi, embellishing,
embroidery, drawing, designing, felting and fusing, create easy and individual bound
artist's books, with bindings of driftwood, woven threads, cords, beads and
Japanese stab bindings.
This is my little "Dragonfly Book"
A collection of different fabric pieces that had been dyed, printed, sewn & waxed.
The dyed silk cover has been coated with shellac & bound onto a unique driftwood piece.
Here below is the start of another idea of mine with my fabric pieces.
A hanging scroll that I will play with some free motion sewing in the future
These fabric pieces were way too gorgeous to throw away
Thanks to Noela for sharing her wealth of knowledge with design & textiles,
I am so much more connected with fabrics