Wednesday, 9 January 2013

It's soooo cooool to use hot Encaustic Wax

A fantastic 


with Nancy Stockmann in Maleny

The real  'GOLDEN ' girl demonstrating burning holes in waxed paper

Wow what a neat workshop table setup with all the equipment, materials & tools

Demonstrating with a R & F hot plate & wax mediums

Monoprinting with wax mediums on papers 


               What do you think of these Encaustic pieces I also did there ?


                    "Poles Reflections" wax medium on textured paper with bark  

                                        "Dark Skies" collage & medium on photo

"Beach Trees" monoprint on rice paper

    "Stradbroke Hideaway" Encaustic wax medium photo & paper collage on ply board



Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Yellow keeps going

Hey it's me doing a Silk Painting Workshop with ATASDA Qld

I'll be organising some more great workshops for them this year

for more check out their website here

Another dyed scarf with a hand made silk hibiscus attached


But wait there's more yellow !!!

From a fantastic Encaustic Workshop held in Maleny last weekend see more on next blog

"Gone Golden" Encaustic Wax with painted paper


"Two Heads" Encaustic Wax collage


"Orange Swirls" Encaustic Wax monoprint on yellow tissue

2013 yellows turning to oranges

                                 Some inspiration photos 

Sunrise over Cairns

View from verandah East Trinity in Cairns
My garden roses

My legs reveals it all


Why use colour Yellow

We all know that it represents happiness and fun and after some research I found out that the traditional yellow colour meaning is that of inspiration. So yellow can stimulate new ideas, creativity and clear thinking.  Also mentally, emotionally and physically yellow can act as a tonic or pick me up. Yellow is connected with the Element of Air, the direction East, the zodiac signs of Libra and the Sun.
By choosing to use yellow, it shows that your mind is receptive to receiving knowledge and is positively alert to gaining new insights and skills. But beware, apparently however too much yellow can over stimulate the brain and lead to hyperactivity and anxiety. It is suggested to try and focus on what you feel is a priority at this time, as it may also indicate an overly loaded mind needing clarity and a logical stepped approach.
On reflection as a Libran, I now understand why there has been this strong impact of the colour yellow has had on my art, particularly this last year of the Black Water Dragon.

Watch for my next blog with yellow going into orange colours as well !